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As a beginner can i learn sketching without any previous training ? Do you regularly find yourself enjoying random scribbling in your notebook but lack concrete sketching foundation?

Have you filled up numerous sketchbooks as a hobby but are perplexed from where to start committed sketch learning?

Then this blog will the answer all your queries with multiple suggestion, tips and tricks to ace your sketch learning. Firstly, taking up resolute sketching practice can be a herculean for novice artists who do not possess any foundation in fine arts. Like any other knowledge grasping learning sketching also begins with strengthen one’s basics. 

 In the following blog I will be emphasising on 7 points which will aid you to kick start your sketching journey with a boom. Being mindful of these pointers and sticking on to them will make the learning process fun, will provide you faster desirable results and furnish you with extra time to experiment with your artwork. 

1) Understand your material before you learn sketching

The markets are flooded with so many alluring supplies which include various kinds of pencils, papers, sketchbooks, eraser etc. This huge pile can range from highly expensive material to very reasonable stuff.

As a beginner it’s advisable that you do not get overwhelmed with the diverse range of stationary and stick to the basic material. This wise choice will help let you learn sketching economically and not cost you a fortune. 

Here are some materials which will be best suited for a beginner. 

  1. Simple sketchbook 
  2. Basic soft eraser and metallic sharpener 
  3. 3 different types of pencils – HB,2B and 6-8B 

2) Always carry a pocket friendly sketchbook with you 

The brightest of ideas pop up in the most unexpected times hence is significantly important to capture them on paper. Small portable books will help you conveniently scribble your ideas at the most odds times of the day like waiting for someone for lunch or at the doctor’s office.

This book will also provide you with the 15 mins practice time which I will elaborate later in those hectic days. This spontaneous sketching will also serve as catharsis at times when you are experiencing emotional fatigue and all you need is the open sky and your tiny book to loosen up. 

3) Other’s opinion does not matter 

Have you heard this saying “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will”? This line perfectly describes all the budding artist who aspire to take sketching seriously. The remarks of others such as your friends and family on your initial work can demotivate you.

Never let the outer negativity seep into you and pull your morale down. Don’t be shy to pull out your sketching book in public. This practice over time will make you more confident about your work. 

 4) Be open to inspiration 


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Scrolling through Pinterest to look up the work of other artists can significantly impact your progress. The beautiful sketches with breathtaking details can persuade anyone to get started.

Looking at other artwork also enriches one’s mind with novel ideas. One can also understand one’s area of weakness by meticulously observing the work of highly learnt sketch artists, this brainstorming exercise will help you improve your sketches with minimum effort. 

5) Consistency is the key 

All of have those extremely busy days when we don’t even have the time to breath, and we also come across those lazy coach potato days with the count of 0 steps a day. These excuses which you make to skip out the daily dose of practice can hamper your success prominently.

It is highly important that you remind yourselves daily to prioritise your daily activities and make space for practice. This regular exercise will underpin your sketching foundation and provide you with constant reinforcement to learn sketching.

You can accommodate 15-30 mins per day to begin with and then stretch as long as you please. Getting into the habit of sketching not only has long term benefits like improvement but also will assist you to achieve short term relaxation and calmness, helps you increase your concentration levels and most importantly it helps you to consciously allot time for the activity you love.  

I completely understand that being consistent without any supervision is not everyone’s cup of tea so to keep yourself on track to can join online challenges which will motivate you on daily basis. For example the Inktober which is a challenge conducted every October for 30 days .

6) Forget the details, just enjoy learning sketching 

As an amateur artist you will definitely be prone to imperfections. The lines will be wobbly, the shading will be off, and the proportions will be messy, but this should not cause a setback.As a beginner you should only focus on the linear shapes of your sketch and try to improve it.The shading and the intricate details can is something which you will master with time and practise.

 As one of the world’s greatest philosophers Aristotle once said, “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work”. Sketching should be a joyous activity and not a race to be best. If you forget this and dwell on flawlessness, then the result will be anxiety and stress. Hence appreciate every imperfect sketch of yours and don’t pester on the details. 

7) Enrol yourself in professional courses in art 

The guidance that one receives from trained artists can help you progress by leaps and bounds. Even though you may believe that you do not need professional help but learning from individuals who have already trailed the path which you wish to walk will provide you with valuable insights which may have been overlooked by you.

Courses will also help you gain unfabricated feedback which is extremely important for improvement. Your sketching foundations will be sharpened by your mentors which is pivotal in skills driven careers such as sketching.  

To kick start your sketching journey under experienced professional these courses will help you. 

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