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Pencil & Chai – 3rd section @ Cubbon

Helloo Friends :)Pencil & Chai striking againโ€ฆYes !!”Human Anatomy Week” , we will be focusing on Human Anatomy/Figure Drawing this time..Mr.Soman Patnaik, The Pencil & Jammers fame will be with us, he will be delivering the tips of human anatomy !


Please take a look to his profile page :


Let us discuss & clear the doubts

The session will be held on Sunday by 10am-2pm @ Cubbon Park.(Near to central library)

“Boost is the secret of my energy” ๐Ÿ˜› if you believe this,take a cup of boost and come with full energy ๐Ÿ˜€

Don’t forget to take the Pencils & Drawing books , we are gonna giggle and scribble a lot. Hoping to see you all….!!

P.S – Please respond & buzz on any of the following numbers if you have any doubts ๐Ÿ™‚

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