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Pencil & Chai 7th Section @ Cubbon

Helloo Friends 🙂

Here the Pencil And Chai (PAC) announcing it’s 7th session.

This time it will be Practice while sipping a chai..

How about  having an experience in putting the book’s/last session’s  ideas into practice.?

As we all know the secret Mantra of drawing/sketching is PRACTICE and more PRACTICE..!

Now we artists are holding a PEN for time being to finish our Theory assignments(!)… But the exams are approaching soon. Let us not skip a day without Pencil.

So in this week’s PAC session we will be having a look at previous year’s question paper and will find a common repeating questions.

Through that we will solve our doubts and will scribble regarding it .


Let’s meet & chaat !



June 9th Sunday,by 10am-2pm @ Cubbon park .. Lets meet at near the Central Library ! .

“RSVP” Rakesh Mahadik – +91 9019891407 Anup – +91-9632711700 ” ]

Hoping to seeing you all….!!


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