Pencil And Chai’s 7th session.! As we thought to have a Practical section we gathered at Cubbon Park by 10:30 on 9th June.
But fortunately it happened to meet 2 talented artists over there. They have shared their experience in drawing,during their college days (BFA) at Davanagere.
The dedication which they had towards Art were truly inspiring. They used rush to Bus stands for live sketches without missing a single day for continuous 5 years!
Well, They say one will grow wit his drawing only with the live sketching practice. They also tell that Bus stand sketches are really helpful in the aspects for Human anatomy. We get lot many postures and different type of people at bus stands.
Totally a blissful moments with those two artists. One among them has showed us the live portrait within 15-20 minutes was really amazing….
And we also discussed few question papers from previous years.
We left promising to come up with a greater session for next week ..!
Thank you for one and all who were there for the 7th session and making it happen. !!