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While you were away from PAC weekend regular sketching classes!

By August 24, 2015No Comments

The last Sunday was beautiful in Cubbon Park, where Pencil And Chai’s weekend regular sketching classes used to conduct. Cubbon park is fully shut down the traffic on Sunday’s thanks to horticulture department, Bangalore. Also, there are lots of activities added on than from usual.

We walked further into the park to search new angle and for some new inspiration…


Fallen and still beautiful; we equipped different corners and started sketching. And that’s true the perspectives motivates us, you should be an explorer if you are serious to create a great piece of art.

She tried quick watercolor painting of state central library in Cubbon Park and she was happy with the output.

Weekend regular sketching classes in Bangalore, Pencil And Chai

Weekend regular sketching classes in Bangalore, Pencil And Chai

Quick gesture drawers found an active corner and they could finished few postures, check out here!


Weekend regular sketching classes in Bangalore, Pencil And Chai

Recalling this quote – Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light. – Brene Brown.

Start exploring, you will find your interest soon. Don’t forget to sketch out an art today! Want some inspiration? Here it is, common but uncommon watercolor painting by Shri.Sadhu Aliyur.

Sadhu Aliyur_Watercolor_PencilAndChaii

Sadhu Aliyur_Watercolor_PencilAndChaii

We see you on Pencil And Chai’s next weekend regular sketching classes, till then keep practicing because the more you practice, the more you can get perfect shapes.

How to join for our weekend regular sketching classes? 

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