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Chai ChatsGurukul SessionsNature DrawingPencil And Chai Art School

Sunday outdoor art session

By October 9, 2014October 17th, 2014No Comments

Last week, it was a great 68th session of PAC. In our regular Sunday outdoor art session, We were visualizing art in the eyes of a young talented artist.

We gathered at Lalbagh Botanical garden Bangalore in the morning and started the session by finding an answer to the term ART! Where our young artist mentor was helped us to solve by saying “ART is what you say”. It’s all each individuals imagine and description! We were studying fundamentals of line drawing and finding it’s importance for flow of hands and to get the output perfect !
In our sunday outdoor art session, We were having an imaginary thoughts around us and making them visualized on our papers.
It’s DOODLE art! Ah, what a fun! Realistic things were getting new shapes. We call it’s one of the stress relief method to stay free and calm!

Many times we stuck at drawing hairs while doing the portraits. So our Young talented artist was giving us trips and trick to draw a silky/curly/strait hair in our Regular Sunday outdoor art session.

Why weekend Sunday outdoor art session:



In our busy scheduled fast moving life, it happens that, We always miss what we really love to do! So, on every regular weekend we all the art enthusiasts gather at a place where we can learn from an expert mentor . Sunday outdoor art session are focused on live drawing, where you can experience the real time portrait, nature-landscape as well as still life drawing study.

Join us on our next art session and keep scribbling and giggling.

Cheers 🙂






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